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The PCC Streetcar on St. Clair West

Yesterday, Dad and I went to Wychwood Barnes for the 100th anniversary of streetcars running on St. Clair West in Toronto. They had a special streetcar running on the route. They brought back a PCC (President's Conference Committee) Streetcar just for the 14 and 15th of September. 

We got it on the first run of the day.

Councillor Joe Mihevc was on the streetcar asking us questions about streetcar history and the history of St. Clair West. I answered his question about CLRVs (Canadian Light Rail Vehicles).

Here's a picture of what the PCC streetcar looks like inside.

This is a really cool picture because you can see the PCC streetcar running out on the road instead of in a museum. It's cool to ride on it in a museum like the Halton Radial Railway Museum but it's different when you get to ride it when you can really go somewhere!

Here are some of the old signs they had hanging up in Wychwood Barnes.

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